Frequency Settings
The Frequency Settings section allows you to control how often your popup is displayed to visitors based on their behavior. By fine-tuning these settings, you can create a non-intrusive user experience while ensuring your campaign gets the attention it needs.

Display Frequency
- Show on Every Page View: Display the popup every time the visitor loads a new page, keeping the campaign highly visible.
- Show on Every Session: Display the popup once per session, regardless of how many pages the visitor views. This helps reduce popup fatigue.
- Custom Settings: Choose specific intervals or criteria for displaying the popup. Customize the frequency based on unique visitor behavior or preferences.
Stop Displaying Popup
- After Visitor Closes the Campaign: Enable this setting to stop showing the popup after a visitor closes it. This prevents the popup from reappearing unnecessarily and provides a smoother user experience.
- After Visitor Signs Up or Clicks a Button: Use this setting to stop the popup after a visitor has interacted with the campaign by signing up or clicking a button, ensuring you don’t show the same popup to those who have already taken action.
- Stop After Visitor Views the Campaign (Time-Based): Set a time-based limit on how long to display the popup. After the visitor views the campaign for a set amount of time, the popup will no longer be shown.